CCIA is a not for profit 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization that relies on the generous giving from partners in order to accomplish the important work we do in our community. We are continually looking for those who share our vision to meet the needs of the underprivileged in the Canandaigua Community. We invite you to become one of our cherished partners! There are a number of ways you can give to the work we're involved in. You can mail your donation to CCIA. In the memo area you may designate a specific area that you would like to support. (Food Pantry, PES Back Pack Program, Supply A Smile Dental Program, CCIA) CCIA 120 N. Main St. Canandaigua, NY 14424 |
Suggested Items for Food Pantry Donations
CCIA Food Pantry is proud to partner with Ontario County Health in a new healthy food drive initiative called:
When making your food donation choices please consider the "Nourish Your Neighbor" guidelines by providing:
Fruits - No-Sugar Added
Veggies - Low Sodium
Grains - Whole Grains
Protein - Lean Protein
Dairy - Fat Free or Low Fat
You can help by providing
non- perishable food &
personal care products.
Tuna Fish
Peanut Butter
Spaghetti Sauce
Can Soups
Can Vegetables
Can Fruits
Box Pastas: spaghetti / elbows
Mac & Cheese
Can Pork & Beans
Can Meals
Toilet Paper
Tooth Paste
Suggested Items for Food Pantry Donations
CCIA Food Pantry is proud to partner with Ontario County Health in a new healthy food drive initiative called:
When making your food donation choices please consider the "Nourish Your Neighbor" guidelines by providing:
Fruits - No-Sugar Added
Veggies - Low Sodium
Grains - Whole Grains
Protein - Lean Protein
Dairy - Fat Free or Low Fat
You can help by providing
non- perishable food &
personal care products.
Tuna Fish
Peanut Butter
Spaghetti Sauce
Can Soups
Can Vegetables
Can Fruits
Box Pastas: spaghetti / elbows
Mac & Cheese
Can Pork & Beans
Can Meals
Toilet Paper
Tooth Paste